Monday 21 August 2017


This is a combination of revelations of hell which should be taken seriously.
Those in hell were once on earth like us but it's the choice they
made that took them there.
The Lord showed me a group of demons had been assigned to
bring this woman of God to hell. They were so many and they
rushed to her and surrounded her. She couldn’t see them.
This lady had been in sexual sin before but the Lord had set her free.
I saw that it was the same demons of sexual sin that were
assigned to her again, so they surrounded her and began
whispering to her that she should just do it one more time then
repent and never do it again.
So they were surrounding her and were all whispering to her at
the same time. she thought it was just her thoughts. They kept
saying, “Just this last time. Just this one time and you’ll
repent”. She gave heed to the demons and she committed the
sin hoping that she’ll repent as soon as she’s done. But she died
while still doing that. And she went to hell
I saw her in the flames of hell. She was in so much torment, and
I could see the regret on her face. The demons were mocking
her in hell, telling her, “we fooled you..hahahaha”. She knew it
was true they had fooled her, all she did was hold her face with
her two hands as she kept thinking of how she should have
overcome. She kept thinking, “how could I have listened to
Satan?”. I could hear her thoughts and she was sayin, “How
could I think I could fool God? How could I think I could just
meddle in sin and keep going back to God”
They kept eating her flesh, even her face was being eaten by the
worms and was rotting away. God isn’t fooled, some people
think they are going to live in sin and plan to repent on the
deathbed. The truth is that God isn’t mocked. what you sow is
what you reap. I felt so sad for this woman, she was saying,
“Oh how I wish I had
known that I was about to
die .how I wish I had
known it was Satan
trapping me. It wasn’t
worth it. I really regret it”
Jesus said to the woman, “I died for you but you made my
blood useless. You took my grace for granted. Worms shall be
your bed and worms shall cover you. The Lord was weeping.
Then I saw a huge green spiked snake. It entered her private
parts and travelled up to her throat, coming out from her mouth.
It was so huge and had spikes, with rough skin like a crocodile.
As the snake did that, her body got torn apart, and blood and
pieces of flesh gushed out. She was screaming!
In a separate revelation,Jesus came and talked with me,then
I found myself in hell, alone (I didn’t see Jesus with me in hell). It was a very dark
place though full of flames and extremely hot. I could feel the
searing heat from the flames and the sound you hear when near a
big fire. I then saw a man; he was completely naked and seemed to
be in so much agony.
Suddenly I could hear his agonizing screams,” Help! Help! I was a
Muslim on earth and now I regret it so much. Help!”
It hurt so much to see this man and hear his screams that I just
wanted to get out of that place.
After a while I was able to wake up, and I found myself back on my
bed. For a moment I could still feel the heat on my skin, and then it
was gone.
Later I had another vision separately, not during the same period of
time we received these revelations that I have just testified about,
but which I wish to add to them. I was in my room one night when
The Lord showed me a section in hell for those who masturbate.
This section was dreary and desolate. I saw a woman on a chair.
She was chained with large chains to the chair on which she was
sitting, and she couldn't move at all! This woman was burnt beyond
recognition. All that had remained of her body looked like ash. She
was completely gray, charred, and seemed to be in great agony. I
then was made to understand she was there for masturbating
during her life on earth. I believe the Lord showed me that, because
He wants to use it to reach those who are caught in this sin.
"I had stopped evangelizing, because I had gotten too busy with
work, and doing my own things that I didn’t even evangelize any
more. As I was up I got caught in a vision where there was a huge
demon with muscles that held me, and no matter how much I
struggled, I couldn’t free myself from its grasp. It was so strong."
"I was aware that my body was lying on the bed and it was my
spirit going through this. I saw that the demon that held me was
grey and a little transparent; it was so strong and looked like an
animal. I can’t describe, it also had a very cruel looking face."
"I then began calling on the Lord Jesus Christ to help me, and I
knew the Lord had allowed this to happen because I had stopped
evangelizing. The Lord Jesus immediately appeared. He wore a
white robe and was surrounded by light. The light that surrounded
Him was actually part of Him. He was light itself. He was made of
light. The light illuminating was part of Him! He also had two
angels on His sides. As soon as the Lord appeared, this evil spirit
disappeared! It happened so fast that I didn’t even notice when it let
me go."
"The Lord was looking at me with so much love and compassion, I
found myself on my knees saying, 'Lord please forgive me, I will
repent, I repent right now, I am going to warn your people.'”
"And the Lord said to me, 'There is a place in hell for those who do
not evangelize.'”
"The vision ended and I was back on my bed again."
"I was still very shaken by this when I was caught up in the spirit
again and I found myself in hell. It was hot and dark. There were
demons everywhere working busily. And in this section that the
Lord showed me, the demons were tormenting people by roasting
them on frying pans!"
"There were so many people, and the demons here were so happy
roasting people. They would even toss them up in the pan like they
were pancakes! It was so depressing!"
"The Lord also showed me a section with something that looked like
huge grills with red hot coal underneath. The demons were cutting
people in pieces and putting them on the grill! It was horrific! I saw
one demon carrying the leg of one of the souls in that place and
putting it on the grill!"
"It then approached me and wanted to do the same to me. All this
time, I was aware of the Lord’s presence with me in hell, although I
couldn’t see Him. And when this evil spirit approached me, I said,
'The Lord Jesus brought me here because He is showing me what
this place is like.' Then I was back on my bed, and the vision
"The Lord told me many are going to that place, and that’s why its
important to warn them. Evangelism is for every child of God.
Please don’t take it lightly."
Give ur life to Jesus.He is your way of escape from hell.Love God
and live for Him.He wants to save,not to punish
11th January 2016
The Lord asked me to stress the messages below.When my sister
Rachel and I were praying last night,we were shocked at the attack
we received from the devil.This was after exposing the demons in
human form as well as other tricks of the devil.Beloved we are in a
great war and we are against countless enemies.The Lord allowed
us to experience something shocking.When we were praying at
around 10 pm,suddenly we were surrounded by demons of all
shapes colours and sizes.They were in their billions upon billions
and they were screaming as if in a battle front against us.But at the
name of Jesus,they all fled.Never make it to hell brethren because
they will torture you more than you have ever imagined.The demons
have put their evil spells to make you sin and take to the flames of
hell through the things I have written below. The Lord instructed me
to reinforce this message.Escape hell now!
Dolls, Cartoons and Secular TV
I saw a baby pram (stroller) with a lot of teddy bears. There were
demons inside them. These demons were happy and mocking
humans. They were saying, “Look just how easy it is for us to have
access to human beings. The baby who will have this pram will be
our toy.” And they all laughed loudly giving each other a high-five.
The Lord also let me hear George in the cartoon Curious George. He
was talking sweetly and innocently in the cartoon but would laugh
loudly and sarcastically in the back ground at the people he was
[Editor's Note on December 13, 2014: Last month, Zipporah stated:
"In a separate vision, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me a satanic
cartoon called "Monsters University." Previously, the Lord has
shown us about how satan brings demons to children through
satanic cartoons. He showed me this cartoon as one of them. It was
made for a satanic purpose and there are demons that look like
characters from this cartoon. I didn't know this cartoon existed, and
it was only after this vision that I googled it and found it!"]
The Lord has several times warned against secular TV. He said that
even if one was watching Christian TV, they should ask for guidance
from the Holy Spirit as the devil is a deceiver. “You may not even be
aware, but when you watch secular TV, your souls is in the hands of
demons, and they do as they wish.” The Lord also showed me that
some demons are also turned into clothes. They may look like
normal clothes in the physical, but are something else in the spirit.
However, we should not be intimidated that demons have polluted
so many things. We should just pray and they will be purified as
God has got power over the devil. Just pray. Jesus also forbade the
buying of clothes with evil drawings (e.g., drawings of skulls,
skeletons, evil cartoons etc.). He also forbade clothes with seductive
or any other unholy drawings. The Lord also revealed that
sometimes, a substance to make people resist fasting is put in food.
Jesus told us there are many things used on earth that are actually
made in the satanic kingdom and meant to cause demonic
possession and control. He told us there are so many things,
including food, drinks, clothes, (satan has infiltrated everywhere.
That is why Christians should now rise up in prayer) have demons
assigned to possess people and influence them to sin. That is why
it is important to pray and commit whatever we buy into the hands
of God, and destroy the satanic powers it may come with.
He told us that television is one of his biggest baits to trap people
to hell. The Lord said, “Those programs shown on TV are not meant
to entertain you, but to take you to hell. Many are in hell because of
TV. Many movies are written by satan and acted by his agents, just
to trap people to hell. It breaks My heart to see how humanity falls
for it. Do not watch secular TV. It will take you to hell.” He said, “It's
satan’s bait to lead you to sin, to destroy your soul. You have to
crucify the flesh. Do not obey the desires of your flesh. Obey the
Holy Spirit.”
The Lord showed us demons that looked like cartoon characters;
some even looked like characters from some Christian cartoons!
This shocked us but the Lord told us it’s not all “Christian”
programs that are really Christian. Many are just a disguise and the
“Christian” label is meant to just trap Christians into watching them
when they are actually meant to promote sin and lead people to hell.
The Lord showed us many movies, books, and even children’s
cartoons that are written by satan and brought to earth by his
agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls that He revealed
to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel
pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and
the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons
have demons assigned to possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can
you see how cruel satan is? He wants to trap even children to hell."
I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a Christian
cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see
Author's footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from
this animated movie, and it was laughing, saying it had deceived
Christians! I also saw a demon that looked like Aang from the
Avatar cartoon! We had many of these cartoons at home and Jesus
instructed us to burn them.
Jesus said all the cartoons I have listed here were drawn in demons’
images (i.e., there are demons that look exactly like them), but I
want to clarify that Jesus only showed me some and not all of
them. Aside from the cartoon demons I saw, which I have
mentioned specifically, Jesus didn’t show me the other cartoons. He
only mentioned them, saying they are demonic.
I’d also like to mention that I not only saw the demons that look like
Barbie® cartoons, but I also saw Barbie® dolls. In fact, I saw the
Barbie® dolls in many visions at different times. In one vision, I saw
a several things displayed for sale on a stand, including Barbie®
dolls. One of the dolls turned to face me, and began saying
mockingly that they (demons) have deceived humanity. And the
next moment it just froze and looked like a normal plastic doll!
Jesus said even some children's books have demons assigned to
them. He mentioned a specific children's book called "Rattlesnake."
We have never seen or read this particular book Jesus was talking
about, but He said this children's book is from hell. This is true of
even some so-called Christian books. Jesus revealed to us that even
the "Watchtower and Awake” magazines, produced by Jehovah's
Witnesses, are demonic and He doesn’t want His children reading
them. The Lord revealed some secular magazines to avoid, as well.
Some of them are "Drum” magazine,” “You” magazine, and “People”
Jesus told us that these all have a mission of taking people to hell,
not entertaining them. He said, "The world has become a dark place
and that’s why I want you to be led by the spirit in everything you
do." He told us, “These books, movies, soap operas, and cartoons
are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. They are
satan’s bait. Do not fall for it."
The Lord told us satan even assigns demons to children's stickers,
as well. These are cartoon and other stickers like Hannah Montana
and Barbie® stickers.
He told us secular music will also lead you to hell, and it’s also a
trap from satan.

By Mushala sisters
Vision of Demons sent to Facebook
I was in prayer when suddenly I saw a vision of so many demons
being sent to Facebook to discredit revelations and posts that turn
people from their sins.
In the vision I saw that satan sent countless demons to Facebook
who immediately began posting comments that are meant to
discourage people from believing revelations about Holiness and
living a godly life.
I saw that they posted these comments in a way that seemed
innocent but then I saw that hundreds of people were closed out
just because of these comments.
I saw that these comments contained spells that made hundreds of
people disbelieve what the servants of God were sharing and
instead caused them to be comfortable in their sins and because of
this they were closed out.
I saw that it prevented them from crossing over to salvation.
While in prayer again today,the Lord told me,"when the Jews were
in captivity in babylon,alot of false prophets arose among the people
who were only telling the people what they wanted to hear.These
false prophets were ruled by a demon.Immediately,the Lord showed
me the evil spirit that ruled over the false prophets of old.
But then the Lord told me something else.
He said to me,"that same demon is back on earth and is ruling the
false prophets of today again."
Read Jeremaiah 27, 28 and 29.These are the passages the Lord was
referring to.
Do not be deceived by satan.
Now is when to seek God like never before.
Repent of your sins then follow Jesus.Dont look to a human being
but to Jesus because there's a lot of deception going on.
Run the race to the end,don't lose your crown.

The Lord showed me today in prayer ways in which a Christian can be defiled.The Lord wants us to be Holy just as he is holy 1 Peter 1:16.What I saw was very shocking.The Lord showed me a book of Children's bible stories.This story book was of Adam and Eve but the Lord brought to my attention that even though Adam and Eve were really naked in the garden of eden,drawing them naked in this day and age was defiling.When the discovered that they were naked in the garden after they had sinned,they covered themselves so it shows that that nakedness should not be seen by anyone.This book that I saw had a Camera attached to it in the spirit where those from the underworld would be monitoring those who are watching this picture.I saw that they had put Spirits of fornication,masturbation and sexual immorality into this picture and hiding in the name it being a bible story.The Lord showed me that the same spirits were put in the movies for Adam and Eve where they were naked and they would make the mind of a Christian unclean.
The Lord also told me today that he does not want his children engaging in traditions as they have demons."Traditions are rules of demons and if my children practice them,then they are inviting demons into their lives."
He showed me demons of tradition from all over the world.Demons of strange beliefs which so many still believe despite being Christians.
They were from every place imaginable all over the world.
The Lord said "Some people are still holding on to traditional things for safety even though they say they trust in me.Tell them to let go and trust in me compeletly.Those things are from my enemy."
The Lord proved his words true.We were having prayers at home.We were with a few Church members in prayer.One of them was a Pregnant woman who had given birth to her two children using Caesarean Section.During prayer,I just turned to her and told her without knowing, "those things that you are using,stop using them.You may think they will help you to give birth to this Child in a normal way but they are just full of demons because they are from the devil" After telling her this,she started confessing that she had kept some traditional medicine at home to guard her against a difficult birth and that she had not told anyone about it,not even her husband.The Lord exposed her to give everyone a lesson that all who cling to traditions are just deceiving themselves and will not see his Kingdom.Trust only and only in Jesus and escape the fires of hell! Keep your house clean so that when an evil spirit comes,it will have no place to stay as the whole house will be cleaned up.Be holy in every aspect because to do otherwise is to deceive oneself. Matthew 12:43
24th January 2016
I was in the presence of the Lord worshipping him and praying when I found myself descending to the pit of hell in the company of an Angel.This Angel was fully armed.He did not say a single thing to me and just stood next to me as I observed what the Lord wanted to show me.
2 Corinthians 6:2 today is the day of salvation
I saw three boys who were trying to find their way out of hell.They were stretching out their hands towards the place they had entered hell from hoping to get out. They were pushing each other aside in terrible pain, trying to get out and run away from the fire.
One of them started shouting to us "help me! help me!"
He seemed to know me but I did not recognize him.He was burning terribly and his skeleton was exposed.Insects and small snakes were crawling in and out of his eye sockets,nose and ears.
He said "You once evangelised to me on the road but I thought I will start following God when I grow older.You gave me a tract but when I reached home,I gave it to my mother to read because she is the one who prays."
I felt so so so sorry for the young boy because of the way he was suffering. He said "the demons in here mock me saying they were thee one's whispering to me that I'll serve God when am older.I didn't know I would die so soon! I didn't know! Help me I want to go home! I don't want to be here forever!"
The bible says today is the day of salvation.When we hear God's word,lets repent today. For tomorrow may never come.The devil whispers to people that they still have time so that he can get their souls.Its a sad story.
The other two boys were twins and the Lord allowed me to see their life here on earth.They were children of a Pastor but they were rebellious and did wrong things in private while pretending to be holy in front of their Father. Death caught them unexpectedly young as they were and they landed in hell.
They knew the word of God but decided not to obey it.
Then I saw a man who was in hell for listening to dirty jokes.He was living a holy life but dirty jokes were his weakness.Everytime the Lord would rebuke him,he kept thinking,I'll stop later,I still have time.But he died when he did not expect it.A very angry demon with arrows on its face held his mouth and ripped it open.The man was in terrible pain and the demon would laugh while whipping him.It was very terrible.
The Lord showed me these people who were in hell because they thought they still had time to repent on earth.They were human beings just like you and me and many people today are thinking just like they were "I will change tomorrow"
Time can wrap time really quickly in just a matter of minuites.We should use this life to serve the Lord. The atmosphere in hell was really really terrible and lonely beyond imagination.
When the people remember the life on earth,to them it sounds just like a story someone told them long ago,like a dream or a drawing.Because hell is felt much more real than this physical world is felt and the pain there is much more intense.
You and I have to walk in the right way today. We should put on the full armour of God that we may stand. Ephesians 6:10-18.It is possible to go to heaven but its our decision to make by the lives we live.
I choose heaven,what about you?

I saw a meeting of demons. They were all wearing black gowns with hoods. Some of them had bony fingers with claws. They were of all kinds. They were talking and one of them who seemed to be of a high rank said, “What is the fastest and most effective method of deceiving human beings, because as you can see, the Holy One is about to return. We must prevent Christians from going with Him. We must! We cannot burn alone! No!” At this point, he was standing and hit the table roughly. They all started giving suggestions. Some were suggesting that they should upgrade the contents of secular TV, and worldly songs, as they were one of the best weapons, as humans imitated what they saw or heard, especially from famous people. They also suggested making more and more captivating Soap Operas to make people forget about God, and live their lives in these. They talked about many things including making indecent clothes seem innocent and fancy.
The same demon, whose name the Lord revealed to me as Peruza, requested for a book from another demon, which had just joined the meeting as it was straight from earth. The book had a lot of names in it. These were the names of those who were walking to hell, because of the life they were leading. Peruza started going through the names. The one’s whose names were glittering were those who were finding Christ. They were quite a number of them, and he got really furious. He said, “Who is assigned to bring these particular people to hell?” They all shook in fear but made no response. That was, however, quickly sorted out by the devil that walked in upon hearing the case and the particular demons were taken for punishment. New demons stronger than the previous were then assigned to bring these people down, but there were strong muscular angels with swords guarding them day and night, and they could not succeed. Praise be to the King of kings!

The Rapture
I also saw people going up in the rapture. I noticed that they were all wearing pure white garments and had the words, “JESUS FREAK” written on their foreheads. The Lord said, “They call those who want to serve me in truth, spirit and holiness “Jesus freaks.” Tell them that only those Jesus freaks are going up in the rapture when I come. People will be shocked that I came. They will say, “We did not think he would come so soon.”
During prayers at church one day, I saw a mob of demons exiting hell for earth. They told me, “We’re going to stop the rapture.” I told them, "You can’t stop the rapture” and then they replied, “Then we are going to stop people from going in the rapture.” With that, they made for a certain street and started hugging people from behind. If the person’s name was John, the demon would also have the name John written on its forehead. This meant that that demon was assigned to this particular person. The demons began to whisper to the people they held captive, There is no “God, There is no rapture, and Just enjoy the world a little bit.” After saying this, the demon would withdraw from the person and laugh secretly with its hand over its mouth. One of the deceived people then began shouting loudly, “There is no God!"
The world today is so polluted and filled with devil agents that one should never imitate others.Many people are in occults,some Satanists some witches,some wizards and some even being used without knowing.All of these are against your soul.For a Christian to stand,they have to pray without ceasing and cling to Jesus. 1 Thes 5:15-18.Pray and watch that you may not fall.

Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart.
If you have not surrendered to Jesus or you are not born-again and through this message you have made up your mind and have decided to receive JESUS CHRIST please confess this prayer with your mouth(Rom 10:9)…LORD JESUS, come into my lift, for I acknowledge I am a worst sinner, wash me with your precious blood, cleanse me, save my soul, LORD JESUS, as I receive you as my lord and personal savior, blot out my name from the book of death and let my name be written in the book of life in JESUS NAME AMEN……….now that you are born again don’t hesitate to do restitution, follow him, pray always every day, study your bible every day, pay all debt…….also remove every false Hair and every false attachments, such as tattoo design, attachments, wool, thread plating, ear-rings, nose-rings, neck chains, gold teeth, wedding rings, hair-rings, jeweries, neck chains, jeweries watches, and every form of indecent dressings...example of half-naked clothing such as (armpit-exposing blouses, breast exposing blouses, legging, trousers, split skirts, back exposing blouses, pencil skirts, curve skirts, waist-tight shirts which makes your curves attractive, stomach exposing blouses, bomb-shots, short-nicker, transparent blouses, short skirts/skirts above ankle level),skin tight, exposure pants and bra, naked sports wear,..........any believer who have dediceted their selves to Jesus and have the passion to inherit the kingdom of God (Heaven) must avoid these things. failure to avoid them will count you name out of the book of life. Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. God bless you as you obey God's word looking forward and be prepared for the rapture. please share this to others...............NOTE if you have not forgive any one in your heart please don’t say this repentance prayer. Ensure you forgive every one with all your heart before confession for unforgiveness hinders prayers read Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 6;14-15, 1 John 2:9-11, 1 John 3:15, Matthew 5:23-24
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation;"
Hebrews 2:3
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God Bless!
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